© 2010 Kathy Keating Tram 7 on the Elandsgracht

Amsterdam Trams

I repurposed this website at the beginning of 2010, and I took down all of the old Amsterdam in Photos posts. I still get a number of people searching for those old posts and photos about Amsterdam, the Netherlands, so I thought I’d bring back a few of the photos that get searched for most often. Surprisingly, my posts on Amsterdam trams were a couple of those, so I’ve combined them into one post.

Tram 7 travels across Amsterdam, from Flevopark to Slotermeer. It’s one of the 16 tram lines that run throughout Amsterdam and it’s suburbs. Public transportation is probably the second best way to get around the city (after biking), and the network of trams, buses and ferries can get you just about anywhere you need to go. I took this picture of tram 7 by the Elandsgracht stop (near my old apartment) in December 2008.

Tram 14 at Dam Square

Tram 14 also travels from Flevopark to Slotermeer, but it was one of my favorite trams because it stopped near both apartments I lived in while I was in Amsterdam, and it passed right through the center of the city at Dam Square. I took this picture of tram 14 by Madame Tussauds Wax Museum at Dam Square in December 2008.

Tram 25 at Muntplein

Tram 25 travels north-south through Amsterdam, from the Passenger Terminal (just beyond Centraal Station) to President Kennedylaan. I took this picture of tram 25 at Muntplein in June 2005.

Also, just to let any regular readers of my blog know, I’m getting really busy with my school work this semester, so for the next few weeks, I’ll only be adding one post per week. Sorry for the change, but I hope to be back to my regular schedule of two posts per week when I finish my semester in mid-June. Thanks for understanding!

© Kathy Keating and An Expat’s Photoblog, 2010.
All rights reserved.